Companion Animal Scientist - Assistant or Associate Professor

Companion Animal Scientist - Assistant or Associate Professor

Clemson, SC


Clemson University’s Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences is excited to announce a 9-month tenure track (assistant/associate professor) position that supports our One Health initiative and our growing companion animal program. We are seeking outstanding candidates with active research programs utilizing a companion animal model system in one or more of the following areas: anthrozoology, aging, bioinformatics, behavior, development, genetics, genomics, neurology, olfaction, physiology, or complex traits. Current strengths in AVS are animal nutrition, physiology and health of livestock and poultry. In anticipation of a new Clemson University College of Veterinary Medicine, we aim to expand our research portfolio to include dogs and other small animal models.

Expectations: as a part of our Land-Grant mission, the selected individual will be required to teach current and(or) develop undergraduate and graduate courses in animal genetics with a focus on understanding the relationships between genes and traits. The successful candidate will train graduate students and develop extramurally funded programs that impact stakeholders in South Carolina and beyond. In addition to teaching and research efforts, they would be expected to participate in service and outreach activities. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, and collaboration with faculty, students, staff, and public constituents will be expected. Anticipated appointment for the scientist will be 60% research and 40% teaching and a start date of Spring 2024.

About Clemson University: we are a Carnegie Research 1 institution located in upstate South Carolina which is located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains ( ). Animal and Veterinary Sciences Department ( ) is one of five departments in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Life Sciences ( ). The AVS faculty, staff, and student offices are in Poole Agricultural Center, where we have 12,000 sq ft of well-equipped laboratories of which a designated lab is available for this position. Currently, the department has approximately 500 undergraduate and 23 graduate students. Clemson’s AVS faculty have developed excellent infrastructure and curriculum for training students in traditional and non-traditional areas of animal research. University animal research facilities are located at: Piedmont Research and Education Center (PREC; ), Godley-Snell Research Center ( ), and Edisto Research and Education Center (EREC; )

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  • They are active, full- and part-time FTE, TLP and TGP employees
  • They remain employed by Clemson University throughout the period from the point of making the referral to the referred candidate’s hire date
  • The candidate they refer is hired to a full-time position


  • Candidates who have already applied are not eligible to be referred
  • Members of the search committee conducting the search for the respective candidate
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